Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is the Economic Recession Getting You Down?

Discover the Secret to Weathering a Recession and Walking Away with Your Bank Account, Your Retirement Fund, Your Investments and Your Pride!

Exclusive Offer!

Never Before Revealed Information!

When you’re unprepared for the impact of recession on your life and your business, the consequences can take you completely by surprise.

The economic recession brought on by over eager lenders, under-prepared borrowers, and overzealous government and an economy that cares more about its bottom line than its citizens has been pummeling Americans from coast to coast, and it doesn’t show any signs of going away any time soon.

Are you sick and tired of counting your pennies? Looking for a way to be free of the constant fear that one day you’re going to walk into your office and find a pink slip sitting there waiting for you? Would you like, just once to be the once sitting back and making a profit instead of the one worrying about whether this will be the week your business is going to have to close its doors?

Let Me Show You How...

Did you know that economic recessions aren’t anything new? The lifecycle of the business world very closely resembles the lifecycle of the average insect-it circles around, and around, and around, and…well, you get the picture. There are many stages inside that circle that keep business flowing smoothly and the wheels of progress turning the way they’re meant to.

An economic recession is only one of these stages.

Economic recessions are a vital part of the well being and health of our economy, and a study into our history will show that they actually happen on a fairly regular basis-and they usually don’t leave much damage behind. Why, then, do we panic so badly at the thought that this time might be our turn to weather an economic recession?

Because we don’t know what to do about it!

Business magnates understand that economic recession, a time when consumer spending is going to decrease for one reason or another and have a negative impact on the life and health of their company, is a necessary stage of life. From the moment they step into their corner office they’re carefully grooming and preparing the company for the moment when recession is going to rear its unattractive head and take a bite out of their profits.

Those of us who haven’t finished our MBA usually aren’t that well informed.

Without being aware of the necessity and the inevitability of an economic recession, most of us don’t realize that sooner or later recession is going to happen, and it’s going to impact all of our lives. We’ve been lulled into complacency by the constant boom and growth of the American economy, and we’re so focused on finding instant gratification for our desires that we don’t see when recession starts to creep up until it is far too late.

  • Strings of layoffs
  • Dramatic dips in the profits of your company
  • An increase in outsourced labor
  • The disappearance of expendable cash
  • A crashing housing market
  • Rapidly falling stock prices
  • Decreasing values of 401Ks and other retirement accounts
  • Companies going bankrupt

Everyone knows about the negative impacts of an Economic Recession. But what about the positive ones?

When you’ve walked into an unemployment office and seen hundreds of people filling out paperwork in the hope that somehow, someway, someone in that office will be able to help them find a job, it can be hard to believe that there are actually benefits to an economic recession. They are there, however, and if you’re a savvy business person you’ll be able to figure out how to take advantage of them. How do you think so many companies manage to stay in business when recessions happen at least once a decade?

Major corporations around the globe has learned how to weather an economic recession and keep making a profit, and now you can do it too! Regardless of whether you’re an entry level janitor or the CEO of a major corporation, the recession is going to have an impact on your life personally. The question is, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to let the recession bowl you over and leave you struggling for a way to keep your job and pay your bills? Or are you going to look at it as an opportunity to expand your horizons, stretch your wings and show the world what you can really do?

That was a choice I had to make for myself not too long ago

Two years ago I was sitting pretty. I had a good government job working as a contractor for the military, a good retirement plan, a salary that more than met our needs and an insurance program that kept my kids in antibiotics and vaccines.

All in all, life was looking pretty good. Then the recession hit.

I don’t know if any of you out there were unfortunate enough to be a part of this, but over the last two years military contractors have been steadily laying off hundreds of employees in an attempt to trim the fat from their bottom line and help them stay afloat as government contracts began to be canceled left, right and sideways. Because I had just accepted a new position within the company I was considered to be the new kid on the block, even though I had been working for them for years, and my job was among the first to go.

I was devastated.

Suddenly there I was, with a family to support and no income other than what I had coming in from our investments. I’m not ashamed to say I panicked at first. I couldn’t see how, at my age, I could possibly pick up and start all over again in another job. I’d invested too much time and effort to get where I had been, and the thought of having to climb that ladder all over again was enough to make me want to lock my door and hide for a year or two.

My general fondness for eating on a semi-regular basis got me out the door soon enough, however, and it wasn’t long before I was roaming the streets looking for another job. I was fortunate. I had remained in touch with many of my old college buddies, and one of them happened to work for a firm that had just lost one of its key employees and was looking for someone qualified who would be able to fill his place-quickly.

My friend’s recommendation and my own experience had me inside a new job within a month, but over the course of that month I saw hundreds of other contractors I had worked with who weren’t as lucky. They were out of work for months, many of them taking jobs that were far below their skills, their education and their experience just to have a paycheck.

And then there were a few of them that decided to start their own companies and offer their services to the private sector. A few of them started new careers in real estate. When I first heard what they were planning I thought they were out of their minds, but it wasn’t long before they started turning a profit-a big one.

I was astonished. If the U.S. government was losing money hand over fist and having to shut down its operations, how on earth were these little start-up companies managing to not only survive, but to thrive?

They were able to do it because they figured out how to take advantage of the recession!

I would never have believed that there would have been anything about an economic recession that would allow a company or a private entrepreneur to thrive, but as I talked with my old friends I realized that there was a side of the recession that we never saw-and that side could make the difference between surviving and thriving in the middle of an economic recession.

This is the ultimate guide to showing you how to thrive when everything else seems to be falling apart!

It’s really not fair that only a small percentage of the population has the knowledge they need to hang on to their jobs, increase their net worth and help their company thrive-especially when all they really need to do is change their mindset!! That’s why I decided to write Recession Suvival - How To Proft From An Economic Recession. I figured it was high time the rest of the world had the chance to learn what the major players already knew-the secrets for surviving an economic recession without going into debt!

But don’t take my word for it…

I don’t expect you to take my word for it. Hey, a recession can be scary stuff! That’s why I’m offering Recession Suvival - How To Proft From An Economic Recession complete with a 90 day money back guarantee. Buy the book. Read it. Put the strategies I’m going to show you into play in your own life!

  • Give investing a try
  • Grow your stock portfolio exponentially
  • Make yourself so indispensable your boss will never fire you!
  • Give your company the momentum it needs to get through the recession and go into the future with a bang

The secrets I’m going to show you in this book are the same business tricks and strategies that major corporations like Macy’s and J.C. Penney have been using to survive economic recessions for decades. Don’t you wonder sometimes why these companies have been in business for years? Wouldn’t you love to know what secrets are keeping their managers in the driver’s seats when hundreds of other companies are closing their doors? Let me show you!

There’s nothing in this book that requires you to throw thousands of dollars into some strange investment opportunity that’s “guaranteed to secure your future”.

Just plain, simple, easy to use tricks and strategies to help you ride out the recession and come out on top on the other side.

All this for only $17!!
What are you waiting for? ORDER NOW!!!

How Can Your Business Survive an Economic Recession

Your business will surely be affected during an economic recession. If you don’t find ways to make it ride out the storm, chances are you will have to file for bankruptcy and close. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep it afloat.

Remember that the heart of every business is customer service. If you give special treatment to your customers, these people will leave feeling satisfied and always come back. This is something that your employees must understand because if they don’t, these individuals will be the first one to go since you have to cut back on your expenses.

One way of doing that is to reeducate your employees. You can hold seminars on customer service or simply give them a refresher course of the products and services that you are offering because this will impress the customer the moment they walk in through the door.

You should also motivate them because good morale always achieves positive results. Being the owner of the business, you should lead by example by rendering longer hours at work. If they see you are doing whatever it takes to stay afloat, they will do the same because again, their jobs are on the line and they could be dismissed if things get worse.

Most businesses think that letting people go is always the first option. You don’t have to make the same mistake when these reductions can be made elsewhere as long as quality is not compromised. If you have to buy things, see if you can get longer credit periods or better rates so large expenses can become smaller ones making it easy to manage.

It is always nice to have customers pay in cash but during an economic recession, that is hard for the consumer so if you don’t use a credit card machine yet, now will be a good time to get one. Studies have shown that more people will be able to buy from you using a credit card especially during a time of financial downturn.

The objective of any business is to make money so part of surviving an economic recession will be also to lower your profit margins. By informing your customers of this move, they will be able to buy more at a very reasonable price. You can raise prices again when things get better since such a crisis is only temporary.

Instead of relying on people coming through your door, you can also look at other ways to promote your business. One of the most affordable ones to date is the internet so create your own website. If you can’t do this on your own, hire someone to do it and then make sure that is it both attractive and interactive.

Other businesses are also feeling the crunch and they are also doing their best to stay afloat. Ask around what they are doing and share the same information as well so you will have other ideas and options when the ones you have right now are not working.

We are not yet out of the woods in the recent economic recession. A lot of people are still losing their jobs and their homes, which is why it is important for you to take the steps mentioned rather than doing nothing and hoping for a miracle.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Telemarketing: Handling A Job

This fact is beyond the realm of any doubt that telemarketing is a gargantuan or Herculean task. Everybody would be at one with the fact that one rarely wants to have a phone-call asking their preferred brand of toothbrush or asking whether they possess any desire to be endowed with a trial subscription to Redbook absolutely free. There will be a varied range of responses from the customers. Forget about the negative ones; let’s have a look on some ways to handle those who want to talk.

A particular script is always there for the telemarketers, which is supposed to be a guideline for them while marketing-process. But, what happens at times is that the scripts become so irksome for both and then, you can choose to have some words of your own. Your supervisor should be in no position to impose anything on you. If asked, you should boldly say that the change was necessary. All he needs is the sale of a product. So, do this and show it to him.

Changing oneself according to the given circumstances is of immense importance. Well, putting in your name is a part of the script and experience makes it perfect. If you are Jewish or Spanish i.e. if you belong to an ethnic background, bear in mind your targeted area. For instance, if a person namely Sam Goldberg is calling in a primarily Jewish area, it’s fine but this name wouldn’t hold water in a Christian area and there might go for a name like Stan Green which is Christian sounding or at least, unbiased sounding.

It often happens while conducting your conversation to your customer that they go on to ask you a complex question, which, you can’t answer properly. In case like this, confess it. If you want to get rid of it with a lie, it may have an adverse effect. Bear in mind that you need to say the truth and at the same time, you are in need of making your customers convinced that at least going for the product for once, would be a good idea for them. If needed, show them the way to return the product if they do not like it as it has a money back guarantee.

Being a telemarketer, if you are striving to arrange a series of questions for your customers related to their own lives or their buying habits, try to blend it with some casual chats. That would be positive for you. If it’s a discussion about a particular product that you are unaware of, say it to them in light mood. If possible, try to show them your curiosity about it prompting you to use it. Your amiable attitude will make the conversation soft and nice.

Telemarketing On Your Own

Here’s some good news for you, if you are desperately looking for a job. We all know how telemarketing has become an important sector for people to join or work from home and earn some quick bucks. All you need to succeed as a telemarketer is patience and a fair bit of effort on your part. If statistics are to be believed then millions of telemarketers globally are doing a great job of earning money while working from the relaxed ambiance of their homes. So don’t loose courage and grab your opportunity instead.

Another alternative sector that is really starting to take off along side telemarketing is the telemarketing outsourcing industry. But since this sector is just starting off and there is a desire to recruit staff, you might be fooled into joining it without actually having the right qualifications. Don’t get fooled by promises of high payments at jobs which apparently need little effort or expertise. Telemarketing is a relatively specialized field where you need to have a few special skills or knowledge, and you can’t get away easily by just reading a telemarketing guidebook or manual for an hour. You have to have fairly good communication skills and a decent knowhow about the service sector that your industry carries. Say for example you are telemarketing microwaves for a company, you must then a have a basic knowledge about how the microwave business is functioning presently and what therefore is the market scenario.

You must also be able to take care of the following things:

  • You must know how to conduct buyer service duties
  • Know how to take orders
  • Sew sales
  • And be able to deal with any other unforeseen circumstances that might crop up

When you consider yourself ready to start off with telemarketing do so by finding an actual home telemarketing purpose and keeping it simple and realistic. Make whatever your are selling, sound effective as well as true, only then will you be successful. Talk about other aspects as well apart from the structural or physical elements of the product.

To look for jobs that you can do from home, try calling up telemarketing centers and ask them if they have or know of any work at property positions. Look for telemarketing techniques and tips everywhere around you. May be someone from your locality who speaks very well might be able to help you. Most importantly do not give up hope, for we all know that telemarketing jobs are out there, you only have to seek them out and grab them. Do not get disheartened listening about telemarketing scams. If you are prepared to work hard, luck will favor you too. So download a few telemarketing scripts from the internet and start working on them using your own skills. You will soon be ready for a telemarketing job.

Telemarketing Call Centers

As telemarketing is gaining more importance and garnering profit in recent times, it is becoming absolutely additionally urgent to find a good telemarketing call center for your business. By searching for a good, dependent company to aid you in your business, you will be able to have a telemarketing call center that works well for your benefits and your trade. This is extremely necessary as with a good telemarketing call center you can get more business for your assembly and be more successful in the long run.

The first thing to consider when looking for a one is the price offered to you. When looking for an affordable telemarketing call center, it is sensible to consult with the center for a logical direct comprehensible price quote without any hidden costs and uncertainty. This includes quotes per minute or quotes based on the number of representatives who will be engaged. Also, note if there are any required travel expenses for the employees and keep in mind that overhead charges will be required for various expenses like preparation, training, infrastructure and setup.

Experience should be taken into account when searching for a telemarketing call center. A more experienced call center would usually have other trustworthy patrons, or it may feature a good general standing according to other groups who are using that certain center. When you find an interesting center suited to your budget, check to ensure how reputable that call center is. It is a good idea to talk with companies that use that particular call center for information on how well it works and if those companies are content with that same call center.

The workers, or sales representatives, of a telemarketing call center are highly a significant component in your choice of call center. You should talk with the exact call center you are concerned in working with for facts about how well it hires its employees and what opportunities it has. This includes looking at how the payment structure of the center works and what are the requirements for someone who will be hired by that group. After knowing these, you will get a good idea of how soundly the telemarketing call center takes care of its employees, presenting to you a fair idea of how motivated or demoralized the employees are. Apart from this, be sure to ask how long employees will stay with the call center for, as it is imperative to work with a group that is committed to the employees and what opportunities and future schemes the call center may have for them.

In summarizing the above points, check the cost, the familiarity and the reputability of the employees at a telemarketing call center so as to find more information as to which center is best and conducive to profit for your business. After finding the right call center you can be assured of more success in your line of work and expand your business advantageously and gainfully with a growing number of customers.

Telemarketing Laws

A long time ago, telemarketing was a novel idea. The suggestion of people calling you up at home to sell you something was unheard of, but it rapidly became very lucrative. Suddenly telemarketing companies came up everywhere. It was unsafe to answer your phone. To sugar coat it, people were starting to get annoyed.

The congress and the telemarketing laws as we know them today rescued the harassed callers.

Congress got into the act in 1991. They passed an act conceding customers definite rights to protect themselves against these infuriating telemarketing calls (no offense the industry). Their genius was in writing an anti-telemarketing script for consumers to use when receiving a call they supposed was a telemarketer. They would ask questions like, "Are you calling to sell me something?" "Can you tell me your full name?" "Can you tell me the company’s name?" "Do they have a do not call list?" "Can you put me on that list?" If they answer negative to any of these questions, then you can legally sue them.

Congress was taking a proactive role against telemarketing calls. Apart from this script, they enforced telemarketing laws. Regrettably, congress did not control the telephones, which was an FCC matter. So the congress went to the FCC and asked their assistance, giving the FCC their proposal to set up a national database of telephone numbers of all consumers who did not wish to be called by telemarketers.

Unsurprisingly, by dropping the number of calls made, meant less money for the phone companies and this was not in the FCC's best interests as unhappy phone companies meant an unhappy FCC. Consequently, the FCC proposed a more "cost efficient" series of "company do not call lists", by which the consumer called up the company which he did not want to be bothered by. So, either you had to call the company beforehand, or you had to wait for their call first. This was FCC’s grand solution liked only by the telemarketers and the FCC.

This was short lived. Ten years later, the FTC did what the FCC wouldn't do. Due to the crash in long distance rates, overseas telemarketers called frequently, many of which were absolute scams. This is when the FTC stepped in with telemarketing laws.

Chiefly, the FTC put some severe restrictions on calls coming in from automated machines. No longer could these whole calls be mechanized. An actual operator had to enter and if the consumer wished, he could ask the operator numerous questions and be put on a do not call list which would take care of calls for all companies, not just the one calling. If the company failed this, they were held answerable.

You can see these telemarketing laws online on the FTC website. You can register to be placed on the do not call list. Telemarketing companies have to pay a fee to get this list and if you are on it, they must not call you or be subject to heavy fines.

Telemarketing: Generating Leads

Of late telemarketing has become a popular method by which businesses can generate leads. Such lead generation through telemarketing usually uses prerecorded messages and is of two main kinds. Inbound telemarketing and outbound telemarketing, in the first the system dials up any number and in the second it sticks to a given list.

Telemarketing is a more effective technique of generating leads, because though mails or other forms of advertising may be ignored by the recipient, a telephone call is usually answered, thus giving the telemarketer a scope to get a lead. Also this technique is adaptable to various kinds of circumstances; the telemarketer can answer the various queries of the potential customer on spot.

In the case of inbound lead generation it is the customer who evinces interest by calling up the company, and inquiring about the goods or services they have to offer. It is obviously the preferred lead generation type. The prospective customer has shown his interest first and it is the telemarketer’s duty to answer all his questions and sustain his interest in the product or the service. Sometimes people call up to ask about discounts and other offers, here too the telemarketer has to perform the role of informant.

In case of outbound telemarketing it is more difficult. Because the telemarketer who is calling up the potential customer is doing so uninvited, so it may result in a case of cold calling. The recipient of the call is not expecting the call, so they do not always welcome such calls and behave rudely. Only the best telemarketers can deal with a cold call successfully. Outbound callers are often supplied with a list of people who might be interested in the product or service and then its their job to single out customers.

Lead generation system is an alternative for telemarketing nowadays. Thee are machines which can dial random phone numbers, and then a prerecorded message is played. These machines are cheaper though sometimes people hang up before listening to the message. If lead generating machines are provided with a list of numbers of people who might potentially be interested it might prove more effective.

Lead generation telemarketing is the field for young people who can communicate well. It is a cheap, cost effective, fast method of generating leads and increasing sales. It is also easy to adjust this type of telemarketing to various situations.

Telemarketing And Telesales

Although several companies find the idea of using telemarketing or inside sales people to boost their business ridiculous, there can be no doubts about the effective nature of telemarketing in the present age, as has been proved by several big companies. Telemarketing is especially effective when it comes to increasing the sales and contributing towards the overall growth. It’s a highly productive way of doing the job when compared to employing professionals for outside sales strategies.

Telemarketing or inside sales people come in useful when it comes to filling up the fissure that forms between marketing, lead generation and people involved in field sales.

Most companies apply telesales and telemarketing techniques in the following ways:

  • For lead generation qualification or to follow up on the leads that are provided by the marketing programs.
  • For executing inside sales functions and closing deals-which can be done over the phone.
  • This is a model which combines the above idea. Here, companies qualify opportunities, close the appropriate deals over the phone and transfer bigger relationship based sales opportunities on to the outside sales personnel.

If you’re considering increasing sales field personnel or introducing a new sales field department, then remember that through telemarketing or inside sales, you can improve your sales efficiency without having to spend a bomb on it.

The things that you need to remember once you’ve decided to introduce inside sales or telemarketing personnel within the company are the following. If you don’t have enough experience in this area, then it would be a good idea to secure the consultation or outsourcing powers of trained individuals who can help you set this up. An outsourced pipeline or telesales development consultant with adequate experience can influence your company in a positive way, thus ensuring your success.

However, the absence of knowledge regarding this area could affect the company in a negative rather than a positive way. Many companies have realized this the hard way with the failure of their telemarketing or telesales projects, simply because those controlling these projects did not have sufficient management skills. It is thus necessary for you to hire good managers when you hire the personnel who are slated to do the actual telemarketing. An able telemarketing professional can help you with every aspect of the job, even those which you could easily discard as petty. A professional will be able to guide you through the various aspects such as the target, the way to approach individuals, and of course, the all important message and the selling proposition that can set you apart from other businesses in the same field. He/she can also guide your telemarketing force through the necessary details such as the script and the call flow.

An able professional consultant will also help you to make the right decisions when employing telemarketing professionals for the job. Thus, telemarketing can easily help you tap outside resource if you’re seeking to put additional sales resource on the job.

Telemarketing Myths

Telemarketers are considered, most often these days, as people who would pest your life forcing you to listen to every word they have to utter, any time of the day. This is what telemarketing has boiled down to. And things will get worse if such myths are not busted as quickly as possible. For most part, certain telemarketers are surely to blame for creating such an impression of the entire industry as a whole. There are, however, others who practice the most ethical and genial technique of telemarketing. Their callers do not infest your life at critical moments. They respect the privacy of others. If they as asked never to call again, they simply stop.

However, in order to help bust the myth so as not to miss out on anything important, even the customers called must follow certain practices. Here are a few things they must keep in mind.

  • If you are being called at a wrong time, do not abruptly snap the caller away and give him or her a piece of your mind without first listening to what he has to say. For all you know, he might be offering you a good deal on something that you were really looking for. Give the caller a chance
  • If you are still being pestered even after you have shown no interest or the product the caller is calling for is of no interest to you, you may politely tell the caller that you are not to be disturbed and that you are not interested. Good telemarketing agencies respect the privacy of customers and pursue only those who might be interested.
  • Conversely, some people have a habit of appearing enthusiastic to everything giving a false impression that they are actually considering the deal, which may not be the case. The least you can do at first is just listen to what the caller says, ponder over it if it catches your attention and get back to them. Or, wait for them to call you.
  • You can also choose when to take a call. If you are busy you do not necessarily have to answer the call. You can choose to ignore it and take it when they call again at some later point. Ignoring these calls indefinitely is not a good idea either. You can take it when you are free, see if had anything interesting to offer you, and politely decline. They will automatically put you off their calling list!

Telemarketing: The Advantage

Telemarketing is gradually becoming the most popular and the most effective way to market a product these days, so much so that it is even leaving television, radio, and newspapers far behind. The following article aims at giving you a brief introduction to what are the implications of telemarketing and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

What is telemarketing?

As the name suggests, any marketing done over the telephone can be categorized under telemarketing. What one required\s for this purpose is the telephoning resource and a staff that will make and take these calls. Telemarketing can be of two types. First is the inbound telemarketing which entails being a part of the customer care where customers can call in and clear their doubts about your product, etc. the second is the outbound telemarketing which means aggressively advertising and marketing your product by calling up people and talking about it to them.

Knowing the Advantage

  • The first and basic premise on which telemarketing works is the use of the telephone. This, in the sense that a ringing telephone is something that one just can’t ignore. You may miss an advertisement on television or on the radio. You may skip through an advertisement that you see in a newspaper. But if someone calls you, you listen to that person to see what he or she has to say. This can be more effective than other forms of marketing.
  • Telemarketing makes the potential customer’s relationship with the company more personal and interactive. An ad on TV can easily be forgotten. Plus there is a sense that it is there fore everyone to se, whereas a call is made personally to only one person at a time by one caller.
  • Telemarketing establishes a platform for dialogue right away. If the customer finds your product interesting, they may have a question they’d like to ask you. Your telecallers can immediately satisfy their queries, building trust with the potential customer.
  • Such telemarketing call centers function all through the day and also in the night. You can call a customer at a time that they prefer most so that you do not catch them in the middle of something very important or infringe on their privacy. your staff must be trained to determine the best time to call a particular customer at. If the customer is free, chances are that he will pay more attention to what the caller is telling him than when he is busy.

Telemarketing: Use It Effectively

Telemarketing has grown to become the one of the most effective means of marketing if utilized in a proper way. The following are some of the ways in which telemarketing can be executed to get maximum benefit out of that or your organization

  • Make a list of all those things you would like to achieve using telemarketing. For instance, if you wish to increase your sales, make new clients, build on your office staff, etc, you will need to delineate these requirements to decide which of these you want the telemarketing portion to handle. Everything can basically be handled by telemarketing; you will just have to decide what exactly you want it to do.
  • Train your telemarketing staff well, both on voice and off voice. This is important because they must be clearly briefed about what exactly is expected of them and how they are to go about it. Your company’s motives must necessarily be reflected in how they approach the clients when they call them.
  • It is also a good idea to divide the telemarketing staff according to the kind of personality and age group they belong to. College students turned telecallers are more likely to strike a chord with students and youngsters rather than professionals and lawyers, for whom the more mature and concrete telecallers will be required to convince them.
  • You also need to make sure of the technology you are using and whether it is, at all, suited to your telecallers. This is because your staff needs to be adapted to this kind of technology so that they may successfully exploit them
  • You also need to constantly keep motivating your staff. You must realize answering calls all day is not an easy and exciting job. But if you manage to make it so by motivating your staff, your customer care unit, for example, can function extremely well and help you retain customers.
  • Try and get your staff to develop an intuition regarding the people who they are to follow up. Only the person who makes the call can judge whether the person will at all be converted to a customer. This is important because you do not want to waste time and resources pursuing someone who wouldn’t convert.
  • Keep a constant check on the progress you are making using this form of marketing so that you can work on the areas that are not bringing in fruitful results.
  • Finally, make sure the person being called is listed with either Telephone Preference Service (TPS) or Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS).

Telemarketing: Hiring A Firm

A professional telemarketing firm is one of the major requirements of any business that wishes to expand its client base using telemarketing techniques. For a business that has just started, the owner himself can dial up a few numbers and talk to t6hem about the product to see if they are interested. But once the business begins to roll, responsibilities and work increases in many folds and services of an agency or a firm providing telemarketing services becomes inevitable.

Here are some reasons why you will require the service of such a telemarketing firm

  • You, on your own, have managed to generate some leads. These leads, however, will have to be followed up and pursued with care so that you don’t lose those leads. However, you cannot do this on your own because the time you have at hand does not permit you to get into it. Hiring a telemarketing firm at this stage is what you will require.
  • You will also need someone to manage the large number of inbound calls that you get. If people and customers are constantly ringing you up inquiring about the product, or about the order they have placed, or about feedback, you need a staff to take those calls and see to it that everyone’s queries are answered. Sometimes, the traffic of this call is very large to be handled within the company alone. A telemarketing firm must necessarily be hired, which charges on the basis of inbound calls you anticipate within a given period of time.
  • If you want to pursue advertisement and marketing though the telephone ideally you would want to reach to as many people as you can in a day. Therefore, going in for a professional telemarketing firm to make these outbound calls for you, you gain the opportunity of being able to contact hundreds and thousands of persons in a day.
  • Since a telemarketing firm is a professional organization, their staff will know when to contact what kind of customers. People do not appreciate being rung up any odd time of the day. A telemarketing firm’s staff is trained to judge that so that potential customers are not put off by calls from your company.
  • Internet marketing is gaining ground to which telemarketing is losing. Telemarketing firms actually put in a lot of research into this to come up with new ways of using the telephone as an effective tool to market. Hiring such a firm is a good idea.