Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sounds like a winner, right?

What if I told you that you could grab thousands or more every day
in laser targeted traffic, with just a few clicks of a button –
without using AdWords, SEO, or any other of those costly and time
consuming traffic methods?

That’s right – easy, point, click, and submit traffic - searching
for exactly what you have to offer.

Sounds like a winner right? Also, sounds like something that
couldn’t possibly exist too, I bet.

Well, guess what? That is exactly the kind of traffic you can
generate with Social Marketing. Hordes of buyers that you want –
all looking for what you’re offering.

How is this possible you wonder?

Well, once you know how to use networks like MySpace, Facebook, and
several others to your advantage it is almost too easy.

That’s why you need to check out a young guy by the name of Steve
Iser. This college kid learned how to easily manipulate these
networks for his own incredible financial gain, and has since spent
the past year becoming the go-to guy for Social Marketing.

In fact, just this past March Yanik Silver personally asked him to
speak at his Underground Online Seminar III…

What Steve has to share about making money with Social Networks is
cutting edge stuff. In fact, one recent student of his went off to
make in excess of $15,000 more a month after learning from Steve.

Listen, if you’re in this to make money online, then you need all
the advantages you can get. And if someone like Steve is willing
to hand you point and click traffic on a silver platter, then I
suggest you click here and check it out at the very least.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

What You Need To Know About Government Grant Applications

There is a lot of confusing information out there about the application process for getting government money. I hope the information presented below will clear up much of the misinformation that is presented by those who profit from confusion and misunderstanding.

1) Where Are The Applications?

There are thousands of money programs available and every office that hands out money has a different application. So, what you need to do is to first locate the office that you think is a good source to apply to and request a copy of their application. Some offices have the applications online where you can simply fill in the blanks and send. Some have online applications that you download and print out and fill in the blanks and mail or fax in. And some will send you the paperwork to fill out.

2) Will I Need Help Filling Out An Application?

The answer to this is going to be NO for 80% of the applications that are out there for you to get free money. The only applications for free money that can be complicated are those for non-profit organizations. So if you are not a non-profit organization, don’t worry about filling out an application until you get a copy of the application because 4 out of 5 times it’s going to be simple: a couple of pages of fill in the blanks.

3) What Should I Ask For When I Contact An Office?

Never ask for a “grant.” This is because 80% of all the free money that the government and others give away is not even called “grants.” The free money can be called direct payments, loans you don’t have to pay back, venture capital or other bureaucratic euphemisms. So, if you think you know what you are doing and call an office looking for “grants,” you’ll be missing 80% of available free money. Smart people contact government offices and request information about “any financial aid programs they may have available.” Sometimes what you don’t think you know can hurt you.

4) When Should I Hire A Grant Writer?

There might be times you will need help filling out an application. But don’t make that decision until you have an application in your hand from an office you are seeking money from. If you run around looking for grant writing help before you even have an application to fill out, that would be like buying a prom dress before you even have an invitation to the prom.

As mentioned earlier most applications for free money, including grants, requires only a few pages of filling in the blanks. It is the money that goes to non-profits that requires a more complicated application. If you need this kind of grant writing help, be careful hiring people who call themselves professional grants writers. They can cost a fortune. To find a reputable grant writer or to take a short course in grant writing, so you can do it yourself, contact The Foundation Center, headquartered in New York City (; 1-212-620-4230 or 800-424-98360). The Foundation Center has offices and materials around the country that can help you find a reputable grant writer or where you can also take a short grant writing course to learn how to do it yourself.

5) Is There Free Help Filling Out Applications For Loans And Grants?

Applying for government loans can be can be a bit more complicated than a few pages of fill in the blanks, but free help is available to help you with this process, especially if it is for business or real estate. Contact one of the 1,000 Small Business Development Centers around the country that will help you fill out applications for free or next to nothing. To find an office year you contact: 1-800-8-ASK-SBA or

There are also many non-profit organizations around the country that provide free and low-cost help in filling out grant and loan applications. No one source knows the location of all these groups, but a good place to start looking is the Microentretprise Fund For Innovation, Effectiveness, Learning and Dissemination that is part of the Aspen Institute in Washington DC: You can also contact your local public library to help you locate a similar local source.

We also offer free help filling out any government application as part of our

6) Will The Office Giving Out The Money Give Me Help Filling Out The Application?

Yes, they will help. That is part of their job. How much actual help they will provide will varies from office to office. If they are not helpful enough, contact an office of their superior or the office of your elected official for that level of government. For example, if you are having a bad experience in dealing with a federal government office, contact your congressman or senator located in Washington , DC . If it is a state office you are dealing with find your representative at the state level. Your local libraries can help you identify these people.

7) Can I See Copies Of Successful Applications?

Yes, of course. Remember anything the government does, it does in your name (as long as we remain a democracy). So when the government gives out money it is really giving out your money and you have a right to see how they are giving it out. This includes seeing copies of past applications. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, the government may delete some of the applicant’s personal information before they show you a copy. But that’s OK. All that you really need will still likely be there. If a government office is not very cooperative in providing you with an application, you can request to be transferred to an office called “The Freedom of Information Act Office.” Every agency has such an office that will enforce your rights.

8) Should I Become A non-Profit?

Probably not, but like the answer to most any question, the real answer is, “it depends.” Non-profits are generally involved in one of the following activities: charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.

If you are going to be involved in one of these activities then you MIGHT want to consider becoming a non-profit. But, start looking for money first, before you invest in becoming a non-profit. You might be able to get the money you need without being a non-profit. So why waste the time and money before you know for sure? Wait till you find someplace that looks like a good place to get your money and find out if their requirements include you becoming a non-profit. That is the time to become one.

9) Do I Have To Pay Back A Grant?

NO. NO. NO. Grants, direct payments, and other free money available from government offices and non-profit organizations do not have to be paid back, EVER.

10) Can I Apply For More Than One Grant?

You certainly can apply to more than one of anything. The worst that can happen is that you apply to 12 places and 12 places give you money, and some of them say you have to give the money back if you get it from another source. This is a nice problem.

11) Can I Apply To The Same Place Twice?

Yes. And this is true whether you get the money or not. Some believe that there are even offices that will reject you automatically on your first attempt just to make sure you are serious. But there are other programs that give out one grant per customer. The best advice is to just keep applying until they tell you to stop.

12) Do I Have To Pay Taxes On A Grant?

As a general rule the answer is no, and you can always find out the exact answer when you find a program you wish to apply for. If the money is for business or for operating income for any organizations what you spend the money on will all be expensed before you pay taxes. Most free money for education and training is not taxable. And most free money used to pay expenses is also tax free. There are some exceptions to this personal expense money, but you will be notified well ahead a time if this is the case.

13) Do I Have To Have Good Credit To Get A Grant?

Normally credit rating does not matter. Why would they worry about how you are at paying back your loans? They don’t want this money back. The government will even give you grant money to pay for college courses while you are in jail, but they won’t give you a college loan.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How To Transform Your IP-Address Into A GHOST And...

In order to have full capability to post ads on Craigslist, and other sites,  you must have the resources to change your IP address.

This is very important...

A static IP source, one that doesn't change numbers,
will soon get your IP banned after posting a certain amount of ads.

On the other hand having a dynamic IP source will allow you
to fly under the radar so to speak, and allow multiple posts
because each time it's turned on it provides a different IP address.

The other methods, proxy servers and dial up accounts are
still effective but extremely slow.

The newest IP address changing tool now on the market is
IP changing software- yes Virginia, there is such a thing.

This software that will change your IP address at preset intervals
or manually and has capabilities of serving up foreign or
United States IP addresses as well as being browser selective
plus much more.

What about the price?

It's very affordable => only $29
Take a look below:

height="60" style="border:solid 1px">

Check it out... It's great for a single computer or to operate
two computers to post with.

Most serious affiliate ad posters are aware that you must change
IP address in order to stay in the game. I found this out the hard way last year!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Online Entrepreneurial Attack: Vital Traits to Possess

Entrepreneur Online

They say doing, owning, and handling business is all about passion. It is for the reason that the said passion is the one that drives a person to drive upward the road to success. Most business instructional books will also tell you about the same thing—that is, passion in doing business. Apart from this passion or drive, there are likewise certain traits that need to be possessed by every budding entrepreneur. These traits define one’s future in the industry and whether or not he will likely pursue the materialization of such goals and objectives related to the business he is up to venture into.

If there is anyone who thinks that getting into any form of business venture is simply a slice of cake must think again. Of course it is in no way an easy task. Entrepreneurs know this for a fact. Entrepreneurs also basically know that getting into the business world requires severe time and effort coupled with hard work so as to reap their desired fruits. But then of course, all of these efforts exerted will bring the most advantageous results. Who knows, in such a short span of time the business will already be on a pedestal that everyone will be patronizing and looking up to? This is not very far from possible.

When you are motivated, you get inspired. This motivation will drive you towards the exertion of the needed effort for the success of the business. Entrepreneurs today are increasing. More so, one of the greatest hypes there are today in line with business is the home-based online entrepreneurial. There are lots of advantages involved in a home-based online entrepreneurial. For one, you need not prepare yourself for work. Who cares about how you look when you are doing an online business? Secondly, you need not battle with the day-to-day traffic as you go off to work. So who would not opt for an online entrepreneurial at all?

Some people would tend to discourage you that this kind of stuff does not work at all. But if your passion is really into the online business, then go for it. Let the force be with you and let that passion burn in you. Whether a lot of people lack the belief with regards to the success of the online entrepreneurial, all that matters is you give it a try to know about its result.

Desirable Traits that Make Up a Home-Based Online Entrepreneur Successful

Any entrepreneur should have a strong self-confidence and belief in himself and in all of the things that he engages into. It is important that he believes in his own capacity to handle things. He should not also be gullible or taken aback by comments and opinions of other people. At times it is important that one sets certain mindsets in his so that it will become close to reality. One’s capacity to handle judgment and create decisions proves to be the best assets one can have.

Entrepreneurs although they are handling online business must be flexible when it comes to the aspect of time. There must be a dose of effort and time spent by an entrepreneur so as the growth of the business will be secured. It is a known fact that most of the times personal affairs get affected by the business tendered to by entrepreneurs. There are even times when the greatest trials come upon people. Some succeed while others do not. Therefore, there is a need balance things. Time management is indeed very important in this matter.

Do not simply work your business up for the profit. It is not all about money. Handling a business is more of enjoying what you do just like a hobby. You will less likely recognize stress and pressure when you enjoy what you are doing. Online entrepreneurial can be very easy if only you know the ropes of the trade.

Do not be afraid to face failures. You will never recognize success if without the presence of failure in any form. In line with business, most entrepreneurs fail first before they finally meet success along the way.

Make an online entrepreneurial one offshoot of your dreams. It is only in trying that you will get your desired results. Get that attitude!