Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Business Offer You Can't Refuse

Did you know that you can convert your car or truck to a water-burning vehicle (Water Hybrid)?

Did you know that you could make money converting other peoples' cars or trucks to a water-burning vehicle (Water Hybrid)?

We are now seeking business oriented people who would like to independently manufacture and sell Water4Gas kits.

If you accept my offer, you will get ALL the knowledge we have on how to economically produce these kits. You'll be in business for yourself and you will owe us NOTHING: no royalties, no reports, nothing. You can sell as many as you want to whoever you want, and you will have all the information necessary to produce 100's or even 1000's of kits a month.

It is possible and fairly easy to make $10,000 net profit PER MONTH from only 30 kits/month [$60 parts cost, making a $400 kit assembled, multiply by 30 days = $10,200]. Imagine - 1 kit a day, that will take about an hour or two of your spare time to put together. Well, that's my calculation anyway.

Find out MORE about this business opportunity

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