Saturday, October 11, 2008

Telemarketing: Handling A Job

This fact is beyond the realm of any doubt that telemarketing is a gargantuan or Herculean task. Everybody would be at one with the fact that one rarely wants to have a phone-call asking their preferred brand of toothbrush or asking whether they possess any desire to be endowed with a trial subscription to Redbook absolutely free. There will be a varied range of responses from the customers. Forget about the negative ones; let’s have a look on some ways to handle those who want to talk.

A particular script is always there for the telemarketers, which is supposed to be a guideline for them while marketing-process. But, what happens at times is that the scripts become so irksome for both and then, you can choose to have some words of your own. Your supervisor should be in no position to impose anything on you. If asked, you should boldly say that the change was necessary. All he needs is the sale of a product. So, do this and show it to him.

Changing oneself according to the given circumstances is of immense importance. Well, putting in your name is a part of the script and experience makes it perfect. If you are Jewish or Spanish i.e. if you belong to an ethnic background, bear in mind your targeted area. For instance, if a person namely Sam Goldberg is calling in a primarily Jewish area, it’s fine but this name wouldn’t hold water in a Christian area and there might go for a name like Stan Green which is Christian sounding or at least, unbiased sounding.

It often happens while conducting your conversation to your customer that they go on to ask you a complex question, which, you can’t answer properly. In case like this, confess it. If you want to get rid of it with a lie, it may have an adverse effect. Bear in mind that you need to say the truth and at the same time, you are in need of making your customers convinced that at least going for the product for once, would be a good idea for them. If needed, show them the way to return the product if they do not like it as it has a money back guarantee.

Being a telemarketer, if you are striving to arrange a series of questions for your customers related to their own lives or their buying habits, try to blend it with some casual chats. That would be positive for you. If it’s a discussion about a particular product that you are unaware of, say it to them in light mood. If possible, try to show them your curiosity about it prompting you to use it. Your amiable attitude will make the conversation soft and nice.

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