Sunday, February 17, 2008

$12 Million To Start A Real Big Business

No matter how much money you need there probably is a program for you. You can also collect large amounts of money by putting together money from a number of programs. The government also offers venture capital through the Small Business Administration’s Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC). Over 75,000 entrepreneurs received money from this source to get their dreams off the ground including the big guys like Compaq, Apple, Federal Express and Staples. See how they can help you at Associate Administrator for Investment, U.S. SBA, 202-205-6510 or Many states also have venture capital programs or will help you locate private venture capitalists and state governments can also help you prepare the necessary paperwork. A good place to look for this kind of help is your State Government Office of Economic Development located in your state capital. You can call 411 and ask for the state capital operator in your state capital or go to and click on your state and find the office that is listed under business and/or economic development.

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